2021-12-03 17:58:48 +01:00

647 lines
20 KiB

'use strict'
Char codes:
'#': 35
'*': 42
'-': 45
'/': 47
':': 58
';': 59
'?': 63
const assert = require('assert')
const http = require('http')
const fastDecode = require('fast-decode-uri-component')
const isRegexSafe = require('safe-regex2')
const Node = require('./node')
const NODE_TYPES = Node.prototype.types
const httpMethods = http.METHODS
const FULL_PATH_REGEXP = /^https?:\/\/.*?\//
if (!isRegexSafe(FULL_PATH_REGEXP)) {
throw new Error('the FULL_PATH_REGEXP is not safe, update this module')
const acceptVersionStrategy = require('./lib/accept-version')
function Router (opts) {
if (!(this instanceof Router)) {
return new Router(opts)
opts = opts || {}
if (opts.defaultRoute) {
assert(typeof opts.defaultRoute === 'function', 'The default route must be a function')
this.defaultRoute = opts.defaultRoute
} else {
this.defaultRoute = null
if (opts.onBadUrl) {
assert(typeof opts.onBadUrl === 'function', 'The bad url handler must be a function')
this.onBadUrl = opts.onBadUrl
} else {
this.onBadUrl = null
this.caseSensitive = opts.caseSensitive === undefined ? true : opts.caseSensitive
this.ignoreTrailingSlash = opts.ignoreTrailingSlash || false
this.maxParamLength = opts.maxParamLength || 100
this.allowUnsafeRegex = opts.allowUnsafeRegex || false
this.versioning = opts.versioning || acceptVersionStrategy(false)
this.tree = new Node({ versions: this.versioning.storage() })
this.routes = []
Router.prototype.on = function on (method, path, opts, handler, store) {
if (typeof opts === 'function') {
if (handler !== undefined) {
store = handler
handler = opts
opts = {}
// path validation
assert(typeof path === 'string', 'Path should be a string')
assert(path.length > 0, 'The path could not be empty')
assert(path[0] === '/' || path[0] === '*', 'The first character of a path should be `/` or `*`')
// handler validation
assert(typeof handler === 'function', 'Handler should be a function')
this._on(method, path, opts, handler, store)
if (this.ignoreTrailingSlash && path !== '/' && !path.endsWith('*')) {
if (path.endsWith('/')) {
this._on(method, path.slice(0, -1), opts, handler, store)
} else {
this._on(method, path + '/', opts, handler, store)
Router.prototype._on = function _on (method, path, opts, handler, store) {
if (Array.isArray(method)) {
for (var k = 0; k < method.length; k++) {
this._on(method[k], path, opts, handler, store)
// method validation
assert(typeof method === 'string', 'Method should be a string')
assert(httpMethods.indexOf(method) !== -1, `Method '${method}' is not an http method.`)
const params = []
var j = 0
method: method,
path: path,
opts: opts,
handler: handler,
store: store
const version = opts.version
if (version != null && this.versioning.disabled) {
this.versioning = acceptVersionStrategy(true)
for (var i = 0, len = path.length; i < len; i++) {
// search for parametric or wildcard routes
// parametric route
if (path.charCodeAt(i) === 58) {
var nodeType = NODE_TYPES.PARAM
j = i + 1
var staticPart = path.slice(0, i)
if (this.caseSensitive === false) {
staticPart = staticPart.toLowerCase()
// add the static part of the route to the tree
this._insert(method, staticPart, NODE_TYPES.STATIC, null, null, null, null, version)
// isolate the parameter name
var isRegex = false
while (i < len && path.charCodeAt(i) !== 47) {
isRegex = isRegex || path[i] === '('
if (isRegex) {
i = getClosingParenthensePosition(path, i) + 1
} else if (path.charCodeAt(i) !== 45) {
} else {
if (isRegex && (i === len || path.charCodeAt(i) === 47)) {
} else if (i < len && path.charCodeAt(i) !== 47) {
var parameter = path.slice(j, i)
var regex = isRegex ? parameter.slice(parameter.indexOf('('), i) : null
if (isRegex) {
regex = new RegExp(regex)
if (!this.allowUnsafeRegex) {
assert(isRegexSafe(regex), `The regex '${regex.toString()}' is not safe!`)
params.push(parameter.slice(0, isRegex ? parameter.indexOf('(') : i))
path = path.slice(0, j) + path.slice(i)
i = j
len = path.length
// if the path is ended
if (i === len) {
var completedPath = path.slice(0, i)
if (this.caseSensitive === false) {
completedPath = completedPath.toLowerCase()
return this._insert(method, completedPath, nodeType, params, handler, store, regex, version)
// add the parameter and continue with the search
staticPart = path.slice(0, i)
if (this.caseSensitive === false) {
staticPart = staticPart.toLowerCase()
this._insert(method, staticPart, nodeType, params, null, null, regex, version)
// wildcard route
} else if (path.charCodeAt(i) === 42) {
this._insert(method, path.slice(0, i), NODE_TYPES.STATIC, null, null, null, null, version)
// add the wildcard parameter
return this._insert(method, path.slice(0, len), NODE_TYPES.MATCH_ALL, params, handler, store, null, version)
if (this.caseSensitive === false) {
path = path.toLowerCase()
// static route
this._insert(method, path, NODE_TYPES.STATIC, params, handler, store, null, version)
Router.prototype._insert = function _insert (method, path, kind, params, handler, store, regex, version) {
const route = path
var currentNode = this.tree
var prefix = ''
var pathLen = 0
var prefixLen = 0
var len = 0
var max = 0
var node = null
while (true) {
prefix = currentNode.prefix
prefixLen = prefix.length
pathLen = path.length
len = 0
// search for the longest common prefix
max = pathLen < prefixLen ? pathLen : prefixLen
while (len < max && path[len] === prefix[len]) len++
// the longest common prefix is smaller than the current prefix
// let's split the node and add a new child
if (len < prefixLen) {
node = new Node(
prefix: prefix.slice(len),
children: currentNode.children,
kind: currentNode.kind,
handlers: new Node.Handlers(currentNode.handlers),
regex: currentNode.regex,
versions: currentNode.versions
if (currentNode.wildcardChild !== null) {
node.wildcardChild = currentNode.wildcardChild
// reset the parent
.reset(prefix.slice(0, len), this.versioning.storage())
// if the longest common prefix has the same length of the current path
// the handler should be added to the current node, to a child otherwise
if (len === pathLen) {
if (version) {
assert(!currentNode.getVersionHandler(version, method), `Method '${method}' already declared for route '${route}' version '${version}'`)
currentNode.setVersionHandler(version, method, handler, params, store)
} else {
assert(!currentNode.getHandler(method), `Method '${method}' already declared for route '${route}'`)
currentNode.setHandler(method, handler, params, store)
currentNode.kind = kind
} else {
node = new Node({
prefix: path.slice(len),
kind: kind,
handlers: null,
regex: regex,
versions: this.versioning.storage()
if (version) {
node.setVersionHandler(version, method, handler, params, store)
} else {
node.setHandler(method, handler, params, store)
// the longest common prefix is smaller than the path length,
// but is higher than the prefix
} else if (len < pathLen) {
// remove the prefix
path = path.slice(len)
// check if there is a child with the label extracted from the new path
node = currentNode.findByLabel(path)
// there is a child within the given label, we must go deepen in the tree
if (node) {
currentNode = node
// there are not children within the given label, let's create a new one!
node = new Node({ prefix: path, kind: kind, handlers: null, regex: regex, versions: this.versioning.storage() })
if (version) {
node.setVersionHandler(version, method, handler, params, store)
} else {
node.setHandler(method, handler, params, store)
// the node already exist
} else if (handler) {
if (version) {
assert(!currentNode.getVersionHandler(version, method), `Method '${method}' already declared for route '${route}' version '${version}'`)
currentNode.setVersionHandler(version, method, handler, params, store)
} else {
assert(!currentNode.getHandler(method), `Method '${method}' already declared for route '${route}'`)
currentNode.setHandler(method, handler, params, store)
Router.prototype.reset = function reset () {
this.tree = new Node({ versions: this.versioning.storage() })
this.routes = []
Router.prototype.off = function off (method, path) {
var self = this
if (Array.isArray(method)) {
return method.map(function (method) {
return self.off(method, path)
// method validation
assert(typeof method === 'string', 'Method should be a string')
assert(httpMethods.indexOf(method) !== -1, `Method '${method}' is not an http method.`)
// path validation
assert(typeof path === 'string', 'Path should be a string')
assert(path.length > 0, 'The path could not be empty')
assert(path[0] === '/' || path[0] === '*', 'The first character of a path should be `/` or `*`')
// Rebuild tree without the specific route
const ignoreTrailingSlash = this.ignoreTrailingSlash
var newRoutes = self.routes.filter(function (route) {
if (!ignoreTrailingSlash) {
return !(method === route.method && path === route.path)
if (path.endsWith('/')) {
const routeMatches = path === route.path || path.slice(0, -1) === route.path
return !(method === route.method && routeMatches)
const routeMatches = path === route.path || (path + '/') === route.path
return !(method === route.method && routeMatches)
if (ignoreTrailingSlash) {
newRoutes = newRoutes.filter(function (route, i, ar) {
if (route.path.endsWith('/') && i < ar.length - 1) {
return route.path.slice(0, -1) !== ar[i + 1].path
} else if (route.path.endsWith('/') === false && i < ar.length - 1) {
return (route.path + '/') !== ar[i + 1].path
return true
newRoutes.forEach(function (route) {
self.on(route.method, route.path, route.opts, route.handler, route.store)
Router.prototype.lookup = function lookup (req, res, ctx) {
var handle = this.find(req.method, sanitizeUrl(req.url), this.versioning.deriveVersion(req, ctx))
if (handle === null) return this._defaultRoute(req, res, ctx)
return ctx === undefined
? handle.handler(req, res, handle.params, handle.store)
: handle.handler.call(ctx, req, res, handle.params, handle.store)
Router.prototype.find = function find (method, path, version) {
if (path.charCodeAt(0) !== 47) { // 47 is '/'
path = path.replace(FULL_PATH_REGEXP, '/')
var originalPath = path
var originalPathLength = path.length
if (this.caseSensitive === false) {
path = path.toLowerCase()
var maxParamLength = this.maxParamLength
var currentNode = this.tree
var wildcardNode = null
var pathLenWildcard = 0
var decoded = null
var pindex = 0
var params = []
var i = 0
var idxInOriginalPath = 0
while (true) {
var pathLen = path.length
var prefix = currentNode.prefix
var prefixLen = prefix.length
var len = 0
var previousPath = path
// found the route
if (pathLen === 0 || path === prefix) {
var handle = version === undefined
? currentNode.handlers[method]
: currentNode.getVersionHandler(version, method)
if (handle !== null && handle !== undefined) {
var paramsObj = {}
if (handle.paramsLength > 0) {
var paramNames = handle.params
for (i = 0; i < handle.paramsLength; i++) {
paramsObj[paramNames[i]] = params[i]
return {
handler: handle.handler,
params: paramsObj,
store: handle.store
// search for the longest common prefix
i = pathLen < prefixLen ? pathLen : prefixLen
while (len < i && path.charCodeAt(len) === prefix.charCodeAt(len)) len++
if (len === prefixLen) {
path = path.slice(len)
pathLen = path.length
idxInOriginalPath += len
var node = version === undefined
? currentNode.findChild(path, method)
: currentNode.findVersionChild(version, path, method)
if (node === null) {
node = currentNode.parametricBrother
if (node === null) {
return this._getWildcardNode(wildcardNode, method, originalPath, pathLenWildcard)
var goBack = previousPath.charCodeAt(0) === 47 ? previousPath : '/' + previousPath
if (originalPath.indexOf(goBack) === -1) {
// we need to know the outstanding path so far from the originalPath since the last encountered "/" and assign it to previousPath.
// e.g originalPath: /aa/bbb/cc, path: bb/cc
// outstanding path: /bbb/cc
var pathDiff = originalPath.slice(0, originalPathLength - pathLen)
previousPath = pathDiff.slice(pathDiff.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, pathDiff.length) + path
idxInOriginalPath = idxInOriginalPath -
(previousPath.length - path.length)
path = previousPath
pathLen = previousPath.length
len = prefixLen
var kind = node.kind
// static route
if (kind === NODE_TYPES.STATIC) {
// if exist, save the wildcard child
if (currentNode.wildcardChild !== null && currentNode.wildcardChild.handlers[method] !== null) {
wildcardNode = currentNode.wildcardChild
pathLenWildcard = pathLen
currentNode = node
if (len !== prefixLen) {
return this._getWildcardNode(wildcardNode, method, originalPath, pathLenWildcard)
// if exist, save the wildcard child
if (currentNode.wildcardChild !== null && currentNode.wildcardChild.handlers[method] !== null) {
wildcardNode = currentNode.wildcardChild
pathLenWildcard = pathLen
// parametric route
if (kind === NODE_TYPES.PARAM) {
currentNode = node
i = path.indexOf('/')
if (i === -1) i = pathLen
if (i > maxParamLength) return null
decoded = fastDecode(originalPath.slice(idxInOriginalPath, idxInOriginalPath + i))
if (decoded === null) {
return this.onBadUrl !== null
? this._onBadUrl(originalPath.slice(idxInOriginalPath, idxInOriginalPath + i))
: null
params[pindex++] = decoded
path = path.slice(i)
idxInOriginalPath += i
// wildcard route
if (kind === NODE_TYPES.MATCH_ALL) {
decoded = fastDecode(originalPath.slice(idxInOriginalPath))
if (decoded === null) {
return this.onBadUrl !== null
? this._onBadUrl(originalPath.slice(idxInOriginalPath))
: null
params[pindex] = decoded
currentNode = node
path = ''
// parametric(regex) route
if (kind === NODE_TYPES.REGEX) {
currentNode = node
i = path.indexOf('/')
if (i === -1) i = pathLen
if (i > maxParamLength) return null
decoded = fastDecode(originalPath.slice(idxInOriginalPath, idxInOriginalPath + i))
if (decoded === null) {
return this.onBadUrl !== null
? this._onBadUrl(originalPath.slice(idxInOriginalPath, idxInOriginalPath + i))
: null
if (!node.regex.test(decoded)) return null
params[pindex++] = decoded
path = path.slice(i)
idxInOriginalPath += i
// multiparametric route
if (kind === NODE_TYPES.MULTI_PARAM) {
currentNode = node
i = 0
if (node.regex !== null) {
var matchedParameter = path.match(node.regex)
if (matchedParameter === null) return null
i = matchedParameter[1].length
} else {
while (i < pathLen && path.charCodeAt(i) !== 47 && path.charCodeAt(i) !== 45) i++
if (i > maxParamLength) return null
decoded = fastDecode(originalPath.slice(idxInOriginalPath, idxInOriginalPath + i))
if (decoded === null) {
return this.onBadUrl !== null
? this._onBadUrl(originalPath.slice(idxInOriginalPath, idxInOriginalPath + i))
: null
params[pindex++] = decoded
path = path.slice(i)
idxInOriginalPath += i
wildcardNode = null
Router.prototype._getWildcardNode = function (node, method, path, len) {
if (node === null) return null
var decoded = fastDecode(path.slice(-len))
if (decoded === null) {
return this.onBadUrl !== null
? this._onBadUrl(path.slice(-len))
: null
var handle = node.handlers[method]
if (handle !== null && handle !== undefined) {
return {
handler: handle.handler,
params: { '*': decoded },
store: handle.store
return null
Router.prototype._defaultRoute = function (req, res, ctx) {
if (this.defaultRoute !== null) {
return ctx === undefined
? this.defaultRoute(req, res)
: this.defaultRoute.call(ctx, req, res)
} else {
res.statusCode = 404
Router.prototype._onBadUrl = function (path) {
const onBadUrl = this.onBadUrl
return {
handler: (req, res, ctx) => onBadUrl(path, req, res),
params: {},
store: null
Router.prototype.prettyPrint = function () {
return this.tree.prettyPrint('', true)
for (var i in http.METHODS) {
if (!http.METHODS.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue // eslint-disable-line
const m = http.METHODS[i]
const methodName = m.toLowerCase()
if (Router.prototype[methodName]) throw new Error('Method already exists: ' + methodName)
Router.prototype[methodName] = function (path, handler, store) {
return this.on(m, path, handler, store)
Router.prototype.all = function (path, handler, store) {
this.on(httpMethods, path, handler, store)
module.exports = Router
function sanitizeUrl (url) {
for (var i = 0, len = url.length; i < len; i++) {
var charCode = url.charCodeAt(i)
// Some systems do not follow RFC and separate the path and query
// string with a `;` character (code 59), e.g. `/foo;jsessionid=123456`.
// Thus, we need to split on `;` as well as `?` and `#`.
if (charCode === 63 || charCode === 59 || charCode === 35) {
return url.slice(0, i)
return url
function getClosingParenthensePosition (path, idx) {
// `path.indexOf()` will always return the first position of the closing parenthese,
// but it's inefficient for grouped or wrong regexp expressions.
// see issues #62 and #63 for more info
var parentheses = 1
while (idx < path.length) {
// ignore skipped chars
if (path[idx] === '\\') {
if (path[idx] === ')') {
} else if (path[idx] === '(') {
if (!parentheses) return idx
throw new TypeError('Invalid regexp expression in "' + path + '"')