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'use strict';
const Denque = require('denque');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const isResumableError = require('./error').isResumableError;
const MongoError = require('./core').MongoError;
const Cursor = require('./cursor');
const relayEvents = require('./core/utils').relayEvents;
const maxWireVersion = require('./core/utils').maxWireVersion;
const maybePromise = require('./utils').maybePromise;
const now = require('./utils').now;
const calculateDurationInMs = require('./utils').calculateDurationInMs;
const AggregateOperation = require('./operations/aggregate');
const kResumeQueue = Symbol('resumeQueue');
const CHANGE_STREAM_OPTIONS = ['resumeAfter', 'startAfter', 'startAtOperationTime', 'fullDocument'];
const CURSOR_OPTIONS = ['batchSize', 'maxAwaitTimeMS', 'collation', 'readPreference'].concat(
COLLECTION: Symbol('Collection'),
DATABASE: Symbol('Database'),
CLUSTER: Symbol('Cluster')
* @typedef ResumeToken
* @description Represents the logical starting point for a new or resuming {@link ChangeStream} on the server.
* @see https://docs.mongodb.com/master/changeStreams/#change-stream-resume-token
* @typedef OperationTime
* @description Represents a specific point in time on a server. Can be retrieved by using {@link Db#command}
* @see https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.runCommand/#response
* @typedef ChangeStreamOptions
* @description Options that can be passed to a ChangeStream. Note that startAfter, resumeAfter, and startAtOperationTime are all mutually exclusive, and the server will error if more than one is specified.
* @property {string} [fullDocument='default'] Allowed values: default, updateLookup. When set to updateLookup, the change stream will include both a delta describing the changes to the document, as well as a copy of the entire document that was changed from some time after the change occurred.
* @property {number} [maxAwaitTimeMS] The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a change stream query.
* @property {ResumeToken} [resumeAfter] Allows you to start a changeStream after a specified event. See {@link https://docs.mongodb.com/master/changeStreams/#resumeafter-for-change-streams|ChangeStream documentation}.
* @property {ResumeToken} [startAfter] Similar to resumeAfter, but will allow you to start after an invalidated event. See {@link https://docs.mongodb.com/master/changeStreams/#startafter-for-change-streams|ChangeStream documentation}.
* @property {OperationTime} [startAtOperationTime] Will start the changeStream after the specified operationTime.
* @property {number} [batchSize=1000] The number of documents to return per batch. See {@link https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/aggregate|aggregation documentation}.
* @property {object} [collation] Specify collation settings for operation. See {@link https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/aggregate|aggregation documentation}.
* @property {ReadPreference} [readPreference] The read preference. Defaults to the read preference of the database or collection. See {@link https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/read-preference|read preference documentation}.
* Creates a new Change Stream instance. Normally created using {@link Collection#watch|Collection.watch()}.
* @class ChangeStream
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {(MongoClient|Db|Collection)} parent The parent object that created this change stream
* @param {Array} pipeline An array of {@link https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/aggregation-pipeline/|aggregation pipeline stages} through which to pass change stream documents
* @param {ChangeStreamOptions} [options] Optional settings
* @fires ChangeStream#close
* @fires ChangeStream#change
* @fires ChangeStream#end
* @fires ChangeStream#error
* @fires ChangeStream#resumeTokenChanged
* @return {ChangeStream} a ChangeStream instance.
class ChangeStream extends EventEmitter {
constructor(parent, pipeline, options) {
const Collection = require('./collection');
const Db = require('./db');
const MongoClient = require('./mongo_client');
this.pipeline = pipeline || [];
this.options = options || {};
this.parent = parent;
this.namespace = parent.s.namespace;
if (parent instanceof Collection) {
this.topology = parent.s.db.serverConfig;
} else if (parent instanceof Db) {
this.topology = parent.serverConfig;
} else if (parent instanceof MongoClient) {
this.topology = parent.topology;
} else {
throw new TypeError(
'parent provided to ChangeStream constructor is not an instance of Collection, Db, or MongoClient'
this.promiseLibrary = parent.s.promiseLibrary;
if (!this.options.readPreference && parent.s.readPreference) {
this.options.readPreference = parent.s.readPreference;
this[kResumeQueue] = new Denque();
// Create contained Change Stream cursor
this.cursor = createChangeStreamCursor(this, options);
this.closed = false;
// Listen for any `change` listeners being added to ChangeStream
this.on('newListener', eventName => {
if (eventName === 'change' && this.cursor && this.listenerCount('change') === 0) {
this.cursor.on('data', change => processNewChange(this, change));
// Listen for all `change` listeners being removed from ChangeStream
this.on('removeListener', eventName => {
if (eventName === 'change' && this.listenerCount('change') === 0 && this.cursor) {
* @property {ResumeToken} resumeToken
* The cached resume token that will be used to resume
* after the most recently returned change.
get resumeToken() {
return this.cursor.resumeToken;
* Check if there is any document still available in the Change Stream
* @function ChangeStream.prototype.hasNext
* @param {ChangeStream~resultCallback} [callback] The result callback.
* @throws {MongoError}
* @returns {Promise|void} returns Promise if no callback passed
hasNext(callback) {
return maybePromise(this.parent, callback, cb => {
getCursor(this, (err, cursor) => {
if (err) return cb(err); // failed to resume, raise an error
* Get the next available document from the Change Stream, returns null if no more documents are available.
* @function ChangeStream.prototype.next
* @param {ChangeStream~resultCallback} [callback] The result callback.
* @throws {MongoError}
* @returns {Promise|void} returns Promise if no callback passed
next(callback) {
return maybePromise(this.parent, callback, cb => {
getCursor(this, (err, cursor) => {
if (err) return cb(err); // failed to resume, raise an error
cursor.next((error, change) => {
if (error) {
this[kResumeQueue].push(() => this.next(cb));
processError(this, error, cb);
processNewChange(this, change, cb);
* Is the change stream closed
* @method ChangeStream.prototype.isClosed
* @return {boolean}
isClosed() {
return this.closed || (this.cursor && this.cursor.isClosed());
* Close the Change Stream
* @method ChangeStream.prototype.close
* @param {ChangeStream~resultCallback} [callback] The result callback.
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
close(callback) {
return maybePromise(this.parent, callback, cb => {
if (this.closed) return cb();
// flag the change stream as explicitly closed
this.closed = true;
if (!this.cursor) return cb();
// Tidy up the existing cursor
const cursor = this.cursor;
return cursor.close(err => {
['data', 'close', 'end', 'error'].forEach(event => cursor.removeAllListeners(event));
this.cursor = undefined;
return cb(err);
* This method pulls all the data out of a readable stream, and writes it to the supplied destination, automatically managing the flow so that the destination is not overwhelmed by a fast readable stream.
* @method
* @param {Writable} destination The destination for writing data
* @param {object} [options] {@link https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_readable_pipe_destination_options|Pipe options}
* @return {null}
pipe(destination, options) {
if (!this.pipeDestinations) {
this.pipeDestinations = [];
return this.cursor.pipe(destination, options);
* This method will remove the hooks set up for a previous pipe() call.
* @param {Writable} [destination] The destination for writing data
* @return {null}
unpipe(destination) {
if (this.pipeDestinations && this.pipeDestinations.indexOf(destination) > -1) {
this.pipeDestinations.splice(this.pipeDestinations.indexOf(destination), 1);
return this.cursor.unpipe(destination);
* Return a modified Readable stream including a possible transform method.
* @method
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {function} [options.transform] A transformation method applied to each document emitted by the stream.
* @return {Cursor}
stream(options) {
this.streamOptions = options;
return this.cursor.stream(options);
* This method will cause a stream in flowing mode to stop emitting data events. Any data that becomes available will remain in the internal buffer.
* @return {null}
pause() {
return this.cursor.pause();
* This method will cause the readable stream to resume emitting data events.
* @return {null}
resume() {
return this.cursor.resume();
class ChangeStreamCursor extends Cursor {
constructor(topology, operation, options) {
super(topology, operation, options);
options = options || {};
this._resumeToken = null;
this.startAtOperationTime = options.startAtOperationTime;
if (options.startAfter) {
this.resumeToken = options.startAfter;
} else if (options.resumeAfter) {
this.resumeToken = options.resumeAfter;
set resumeToken(token) {
this._resumeToken = token;
this.emit('resumeTokenChanged', token);
get resumeToken() {
return this._resumeToken;
get resumeOptions() {
const result = {};
for (const optionName of CURSOR_OPTIONS) {
if (this.options[optionName]) result[optionName] = this.options[optionName];
if (this.resumeToken || this.startAtOperationTime) {
['resumeAfter', 'startAfter', 'startAtOperationTime'].forEach(key => delete result[key]);
if (this.resumeToken) {
const resumeKey =
this.options.startAfter && !this.hasReceived ? 'startAfter' : 'resumeAfter';
result[resumeKey] = this.resumeToken;
} else if (this.startAtOperationTime && maxWireVersion(this.server) >= 7) {
result.startAtOperationTime = this.startAtOperationTime;
return result;
cacheResumeToken(resumeToken) {
if (this.bufferedCount() === 0 && this.cursorState.postBatchResumeToken) {
this.resumeToken = this.cursorState.postBatchResumeToken;
} else {
this.resumeToken = resumeToken;
this.hasReceived = true;
_processBatch(batchName, response) {
const cursor = response.cursor;
if (cursor.postBatchResumeToken) {
this.cursorState.postBatchResumeToken = cursor.postBatchResumeToken;
if (cursor[batchName].length === 0) {
this.resumeToken = cursor.postBatchResumeToken;
_initializeCursor(callback) {
super._initializeCursor((err, result) => {
if (err || result == null) {
callback(err, result);
const response = result.documents[0];
if (
this.startAtOperationTime == null &&
this.resumeAfter == null &&
this.startAfter == null &&
maxWireVersion(this.server) >= 7
) {
this.startAtOperationTime = response.operationTime;
this._processBatch('firstBatch', response);
this.emit('init', result);
callback(err, result);
_getMore(callback) {
super._getMore((err, response) => {
if (err) {
this._processBatch('nextBatch', response);
this.emit('more', response);
callback(err, response);
* @event ChangeStreamCursor#response
* internal event DO NOT USE
* @ignore
// Create a new change stream cursor based on self's configuration
function createChangeStreamCursor(self, options) {
const changeStreamStageOptions = { fullDocument: options.fullDocument || 'default' };
applyKnownOptions(changeStreamStageOptions, options, CHANGE_STREAM_OPTIONS);
if (self.type === CHANGE_DOMAIN_TYPES.CLUSTER) {
changeStreamStageOptions.allChangesForCluster = true;
const pipeline = [{ $changeStream: changeStreamStageOptions }].concat(self.pipeline);
const cursorOptions = applyKnownOptions({}, options, CURSOR_OPTIONS);
const changeStreamCursor = new ChangeStreamCursor(
new AggregateOperation(self.parent, pipeline, options),
relayEvents(changeStreamCursor, self, ['resumeTokenChanged', 'end', 'close']);
* Fired for each new matching change in the specified namespace. Attaching a `change`
* event listener to a Change Stream will switch the stream into flowing mode. Data will
* then be passed as soon as it is available.
* @event ChangeStream#change
* @type {object}
if (self.listenerCount('change') > 0) {
changeStreamCursor.on('data', function(change) {
processNewChange(self, change);
* Change stream close event
* @event ChangeStream#close
* @type {null}
* Change stream end event
* @event ChangeStream#end
* @type {null}
* Emitted each time the change stream stores a new resume token.
* @event ChangeStream#resumeTokenChanged
* @type {ResumeToken}
* Fired when the stream encounters an error.
* @event ChangeStream#error
* @type {Error}
changeStreamCursor.on('error', function(error) {
processError(self, error);
if (self.pipeDestinations) {
const cursorStream = changeStreamCursor.stream(self.streamOptions);
for (let pipeDestination of self.pipeDestinations) {
return changeStreamCursor;
function applyKnownOptions(target, source, optionNames) {
optionNames.forEach(name => {
if (source[name]) {
target[name] = source[name];
return target;
// This method performs a basic server selection loop, satisfying the requirements of
// ChangeStream resumability until the new SDAM layer can be used.
const SELECTION_TIMEOUT = 30000;
function waitForTopologyConnected(topology, options, callback) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (options && options.start == null) {
options.start = now();
const start = options.start || now();
const timeout = options.timeout || SELECTION_TIMEOUT;
const readPreference = options.readPreference;
if (topology.isConnected({ readPreference })) {
return callback();
if (calculateDurationInMs(start) > timeout) {
return callback(new MongoError('Timed out waiting for connection'));
waitForTopologyConnected(topology, options, callback);
}, 500); // this is an arbitrary wait time to allow SDAM to transition
function processNewChange(changeStream, change, callback) {
const cursor = changeStream.cursor;
// a null change means the cursor has been notified, implicitly closing the change stream
if (change == null) {
changeStream.closed = true;
if (changeStream.closed) {
if (callback) callback(new MongoError('ChangeStream is closed'));
if (change && !change._id) {
const noResumeTokenError = new Error(
'A change stream document has been received that lacks a resume token (_id).'
if (!callback) return changeStream.emit('error', noResumeTokenError);
return callback(noResumeTokenError);
// cache the resume token
// wipe the startAtOperationTime if there was one so that there won't be a conflict
// between resumeToken and startAtOperationTime if we need to reconnect the cursor
changeStream.options.startAtOperationTime = undefined;
// Return the change
if (!callback) return changeStream.emit('change', change);
return callback(undefined, change);
function processError(changeStream, error, callback) {
const topology = changeStream.topology;
const cursor = changeStream.cursor;
// If the change stream has been closed explictly, do not process error.
if (changeStream.closed) {
if (callback) callback(new MongoError('ChangeStream is closed'));
// if the resume succeeds, continue with the new cursor
function resumeWithCursor(newCursor) {
changeStream.cursor = newCursor;
// otherwise, raise an error and close the change stream
function unresumableError(err) {
if (!callback) {
changeStream.emit('error', err);
processResumeQueue(changeStream, err);
changeStream.closed = true;
if (cursor && isResumableError(error, maxWireVersion(cursor.server))) {
changeStream.cursor = undefined;
// stop listening to all events from old cursor
['data', 'close', 'end', 'error'].forEach(event => cursor.removeAllListeners(event));
// close internal cursor, ignore errors
waitForTopologyConnected(topology, { readPreference: cursor.options.readPreference }, err => {
// if the topology can't reconnect, close the stream
if (err) return unresumableError(err);
// create a new cursor, preserving the old cursor's options
const newCursor = createChangeStreamCursor(changeStream, cursor.resumeOptions);
// attempt to continue in emitter mode
if (!callback) return resumeWithCursor(newCursor);
// attempt to continue in iterator mode
newCursor.hasNext(err => {
// if there's an error immediately after resuming, close the stream
if (err) return unresumableError(err);
if (!callback) return changeStream.emit('error', error);
return callback(error);
* Safely provides a cursor across resume attempts
* @param {ChangeStream} changeStream the parent ChangeStream
* @param {function} callback gets the cursor or error
* @param {ChangeStreamCursor} [oldCursor] when resuming from an error, carry over options from previous cursor
function getCursor(changeStream, callback) {
if (changeStream.isClosed()) {
callback(new MongoError('ChangeStream is closed.'));
// if a cursor exists and it is open, return it
if (changeStream.cursor) {
callback(undefined, changeStream.cursor);
// no cursor, queue callback until topology reconnects
* Drain the resume queue when a new has become available
* @param {ChangeStream} changeStream the parent ChangeStream
* @param {ChangeStreamCursor?} changeStream.cursor the new cursor
* @param {Error} [err] error getting a new cursor
function processResumeQueue(changeStream, err) {
while (changeStream[kResumeQueue].length) {
const request = changeStream[kResumeQueue].pop();
if (changeStream.isClosed() && !err) {
request(new MongoError('Change Stream is not open.'));
request(err, changeStream.cursor);
* The callback format for results
* @callback ChangeStream~resultCallback
* @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution.
* @param {(object|null)} result The result object if the command was executed successfully.
module.exports = ChangeStream;