338 lines
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338 lines
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// Copyright 2012 Mark Cavage <mcavage@gmail.com> All rights reserved.
'use strict';
var sprintf = require('util').format;
var assert = require('assert-plus');
var LRU = require('lru-cache');
var errors = require('restify-errors');
///--- Globals
var TooManyRequestsError = errors.TooManyRequestsError;
var MESSAGE = 'You have exceeded your request rate of %s r/s.';
///--- Helpers
* @private
* @function xor
* @returns {undefined} no return value
function xor() {
var x = false;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (arguments[i] && !x) {
x = true;
} else if (arguments[i] && x) {
return false;
return x;
///--- Internal Class (TokenBucket)
* An implementation of the Token Bucket algorithm.
* Basically, in network throttling, there are two "mainstream"
* algorithms for throttling requests, Token Bucket and Leaky Bucket.
* For restify, I went with Token Bucket. For a good description of the
* algorithm, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket
* In the options object, you pass in the total tokens and the fill rate.
* Practically speaking, this means "allow `fill rate` requests/second,
* with bursts up to `total tokens`". Note that the bucket is initialized
* to full.
* Also, in googling, I came across a concise python implementation, so this
* is just a port of that. Thanks http://code.activestate.com/recipes/511490 !
* @private
* @class TokenBucket
* @param {Object} options - contains the parameters:
* - {Number} capacity the maximum burst.
* - {Number} fillRate the rate to refill tokens.
function TokenBucket(options) {
assert.object(options, 'options');
assert.number(options.capacity, 'options.capacity');
assert.number(options.fillRate, 'options.fillRate');
this.tokens = this.capacity = options.capacity;
this.fillRate = options.fillRate;
this.time = Date.now();
* Consume N tokens from the bucket.
* If there is not capacity, the tokens are not pulled from the bucket.
* @private
* @memberof TokenBucket
* @instance
* @function consume
* @param {Number} tokens - the number of tokens to pull out.
* @returns {Boolean} true if capacity, false otherwise.
TokenBucket.prototype.consume = function consume(tokens) {
if (tokens <= this._fill()) {
this.tokens -= tokens;
return true;
return false;
* Fills the bucket with more tokens.
* Rather than do some whacky setTimeout() deal, we just approximate refilling
* the bucket by tracking elapsed time from the last time we touched the bucket.
* Simply, we set the bucket size to min(totalTokens,
* current + (fillRate * elapsed time)).
* @private
* @memberof TokenBucket
* @instance
* @function _fill
* @returns {Number} the current number of tokens in the bucket.
TokenBucket.prototype._fill = function _fill() {
var now = Date.now();
// reset account for clock drift (like DST)
if (now < this.time) {
this.time = now - 1000;
if (this.tokens < this.capacity) {
var delta = this.fillRate * ((now - this.time) / 1000);
this.tokens = Math.min(this.capacity, this.tokens + delta);
this.time = now;
return this.tokens;
///--- Internal Class (TokenTable)
* Just a wrapper over LRU that supports put/get to store token -> bucket
* mappings.
* @private
* @class TokenTable
* @param {Object} options - an options object
* @param {Number} options.size - size of the LRU
function TokenTable(options) {
assert.object(options, 'options');
this.table = new LRU(options.size || 10000);
* Puts a value in the token table
* @private
* @memberof TokenTable
* @instance
* @function put
* @param {String} key - a name
* @param {TokenBucket} value - a TokenBucket
* @returns {undefined} no return value
TokenTable.prototype.put = function put(key, value) {
this.table.set(key, value);
* Puts a value in the token table
* @private
* @memberof TokenTable
* @instance
* @function get
* @param {String} key - a key
* @returns {TokenBucket} token bucket instance
TokenTable.prototype.get = function get(key) {
return this.table.get(key);
///--- Exported API
* Creates an API rate limiter that can be plugged into the standard
* restify request handling pipeline.
* `restify` ships with a fairly comprehensive implementation of
* [Token bucket](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket), with the ability
* to throttle on IP (or x-forwarded-for) and username (from `req.username`).
* You define "global" request rate and burst rate, and you can define
* overrides for specific keys.
* Note that you can always place this on per-URL routes to enable
* different request rates to different resources (if for example, one route,
* like `/my/slow/database` is much easier to overwhlem
* than `/my/fast/memcache`).
* If a client has consumed all of their available rate/burst, an HTTP response
* code of `429`
* [Too Many Requests]
* (http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nottingham-http-new-status-03#section-4)
* is returned.
* This throttle gives you three options on which to throttle:
* username, IP address and 'X-Forwarded-For'. IP/XFF is a /32 match,
* so keep that in mind if using it. Username takes the user specified
* on req.username (which gets automagically set for supported Authorization
* types; otherwise set it yourself with a filter that runs before this).
* In both cases, you can set a `burst` and a `rate` (in requests/seconds),
* as an integer/float. Those really translate to the `TokenBucket`
* algorithm, so read up on that (or see the comments above...).
* In either case, the top level options burst/rate set a blanket throttling
* rate, and then you can pass in an `overrides` object with rates for
* specific users/IPs. You should use overrides sparingly, as we make a new
* TokenBucket to track each.
* On the `options` object ip and username are treated as an XOR.
* @public
* @function throttle
* @throws {TooManyRequestsError}
* @param {Object} options - required options with:
* @param {Number} options.burst - burst
* @param {Number} options.rate - rate
* @param {Boolean} [options.ip] - ip
* @param {Boolean} [options.username] - username
* @param {Boolean} [options.xff] - xff
* @param {Boolean} [options.setHeaders=false] - Set response headers for rate,
* limit (burst) and remaining.
* @param {Object} [options.overrides] - overrides
* @param {Object} options.tokensTable - a storage engine this plugin will
* use to store throttling keys -> bucket mappings.
* If you don't specify this, the default is to
* use an in-memory O(1) LRU, with 10k distinct
* keys. Any implementation just needs to support
* put/get.
* @param {Number} [options.maxKeys=10000] - If using the default
* implementation, you can specify how large you
* want the table to be.
* @returns {Function} Handler
* @example
* <caption>
* An example options object with overrides:
* </caption>
* {
* burst: 10, // Max 10 concurrent requests (if tokens)
* rate: 0.5, // Steady state: 1 request / 2 seconds
* ip: true, // throttle per IP
* overrides: {
* '': {
* burst: 0,
* rate: 0 // unlimited
* }
* }
function throttle(options) {
assert.object(options, 'options');
assert.number(options.burst, 'options.burst');
assert.number(options.rate, 'options.rate');
assert.optionalBool(options.setHeaders, 'options.setHeaders');
if (!xor(options.ip, options.xff, options.username)) {
throw new Error('(ip ^ username ^ xff)');
var table =
options.tokensTable || new TokenTable({ size: options.maxKeys });
function rateLimit(req, res, next) {
var attr;
var burst = options.burst;
var rate = options.rate;
if (options.ip) {
attr = req.connection.remoteAddress;
} else if (options.xff) {
attr = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'];
} else if (options.username) {
attr = req.username;
} else {
req.log.warn({ config: options }, 'Invalid throttle configuration');
return next();
// Before bothering with overrides, see if this request
// even matches
if (!attr) {
return next();
// Check the overrides
if (
options.overrides &&
options.overrides[attr] &&
options.overrides[attr].burst !== undefined &&
options.overrides[attr].rate !== undefined
) {
burst = options.overrides[attr].burst;
rate = options.overrides[attr].rate;
if (!rate || !burst) {
return next();
var bucket = table.get(attr);
if (!bucket) {
bucket = new TokenBucket({
capacity: burst,
fillRate: rate
table.put(attr, bucket);
req.log.trace('Throttle(%s): num_tokens= %d', attr, bucket.tokens);
var tooManyRequests = !bucket.consume(1);
// set throttle headers after consume which changes the remaining tokens
if (options.setHeaders) {
res.header('X-RateLimit-Remaining', Math.floor(bucket.tokens));
res.header('X-RateLimit-Limit', burst);
res.header('X-RateLimit-Rate', rate);
if (tooManyRequests) {
address: req.connection.remoteAddress || '?',
method: req.method,
url: req.url,
user: req.username || '?'
var msg = sprintf(MESSAGE, rate);
return next(new TooManyRequestsError(msg));
return next();
return rateLimit;
module.exports = throttle;