Snyggade till i loginpage #15

adli7087 wants to merge 1 commits from LoginFix into master

Snyggade i loginsidan samt rensade lite i koden. Skapade submappar till saker som är relaterade till login och registrering. Skapade även en mapp för reusables.

Snyggade i loginsidan samt rensade lite i koden. Skapade submappar till saker som är relaterade till login och registrering. Skapade även en mapp för reusables.
adli7087 added 1 commit 2022-05-18 14:45:43 +02:00
maen0574 added 1 commit 2022-05-18 14:50:15 +02:00
adli7087 closed this pull request 2022-05-20 13:11:18 +02:00
adli7087 reopened this pull request 2022-05-20 13:12:54 +02:00
maze6343 was assigned by adli7087 2022-05-20 13:16:12 +02:00
adli7087 started working 2022-05-20 13:16:45 +02:00
adli7087 stopped working 2022-05-20 13:17:06 +02:00
maze6343 was unassigned by adli7087 2022-05-20 13:36:05 +02:00
adli7087 closed this pull request 2022-05-20 13:36:18 +02:00
adli7087 reopened this pull request 2022-05-20 13:36:23 +02:00
adli7087 added 1 commit 2022-05-23 10:15:06 +02:00


This pull request can be merged automatically.
This branch is out-of-date with the base branch
The changes on this branch are already on the target branch. This will be an empty commit.
You are not authorized to merge this pull request.


From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u origin LoginFix:LoginFix
git checkout LoginFix
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Total Time Spent: 21 seconds
21 seconds
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Reference: maze6343/pvt-project-google-maps#15
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