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# Change log
## 7.0.0
- BREAKING: omit node domains from serializer
## 6.1.1
- FIX: don't serialize arbitrary top level fields that are fields known to
VError classes.
## 6.1.0
- NEW: support serialization of arbitrary top level fields in log serializer.
this is opt in via the new serializer factory.
- FIX: remove duplication of Error properties for VError objects
## 6.0.0
- BREAKING: All Error constructors now mirror VError constructor APIs. Re-export
all VError static methods on restify-errors exports.
## 5.0.0
- BREAKING: (arguably a fix) Custom Error constructors now return the custom
error name when serialized via `toJSON()` or `toString()`
## 4.3.0
- NEW: The bunyan serializer now handles regular VError objects using the new
`info` property. It also supports VError's MultiError.
## 4.2.3
- FIX: for errors with a cause chain, `toString()` now leverages VError to get
the full error message when serializing to JSON.
## 4.2.2
- FIX: remove `toString()` method that was overriding VError's existing
`toString()`. This was causing truncated error messages.
## 4.2.1
- FIX: Fix issue where `e.cause` was assumed to be a function, causing
serializer to fail.
## 4.2.0
- FIX: Use safe-json-stringify module to to do JSON serialization of objects
with circular objects.
## 4.1.0
- NEW: add bunyan serializer for handling the new `context` property on errors
created by restify-errors.
## 4.0.0
- NEW: Error constructor now takes `options.context`, which is a bucket of
random properties that are saved to the Error object being created.
- NEW: All Errors now have `toString()` and `toJSON()` methods. These are
overridable via `makeConstructor()`.
- BREAKING: `code` and `restCode` properties were normalized across all
classes. `code` property now has a value of 'Error' for HttpError and
RestError. Any subclass will have the name of the error, minus 'Error',
i.e., GatewayTimeoutError has a code of GatewayTimeout. All code and
restCode properties are now overridable.
## 3.1.0
- rev dependencies
## 3.0.0
- restify/node-restify#844 Errors now live in its own repo and npm module.
- all error constructors now support [VError](https://github.com/davepacheco/node-verror) constructor args.
- Support subclass and custom error types via `makeConstructor()`
- Support creating errors using HTTP status codes via `makeErrFromCode()`. Was
previously a private method used to create internal error types, this is now
exposed publicly for user consumption.